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Advance Point of Sales (POS) System

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Businesses are evolving nowadays, and are diversifying due to the changing market dynamics and consumer’s needs and wants. Therefore, this leads to the increase in business operations and functions.and so its management and control.

Business irrespective of its nature whether small, medium or large enterprises. Needs a compulsive management system in order to operate fast in this fast moving world. There are multiple operations which are indexed in the business shelf.

The business shelf is shelved by the general business operations known as: Sales, Purchase, Inventory, GL Accounting, Finances, Warehouse CRM, HRIS and much more in the queue. When they are combined, they together perform complex business operations.

ERP Software in Pakistan: POS System

It has become inevitable for the enterprises, in order to improve their business they have to incorporate a POS System. More and more companies are now required to facilitate their business with the POS System in order to improve their business.

ERP Software in Pakistan is composed of a basic POS System, as every shopkeeper faces the problem while selling their products. So, they are facing the option of incorporating POS System Software to improve their daily sales.

In Pakistan, in many cases, organizations ranging from medium to large enterprises are searching for the software. Which they can integrate together like mobile, desktop and their online ecommerce solution. To make their business operation and functions smooth and streamline.

POS System Pakistan: One Window Solution:

POS System can be deployed in three variant solutions, which includes Advanced POS System, Moderate, and entry-level. With these options available to them, they have to decide which suits them and which is feasible.

The advanced POS System can handle the following business operations:

  1. Sales Management
  2. Purchase and Inventory Management
  3. GL Accounting and Finances.
  4. Production and Warehouse Management
  5. Customer Relationship Management
  6. Human Resource Information System

All these attributes are handled by the industrial-level organization, medium and small enterprises harness the few functions of retail point of sales. They are very easy to use, run the operation and perform the business function.

Most advanced point of sale systems are used by industries and large scale enterprises. As they deal with complex operation functions and hardcore systems. So they require such systems which can handle their operations through one platform.

Large scale companies use integrated  systems which are then synchronized with their day to day business activities, which in return help them in performance of large operations in various short span of time and also accurately and efficiently. This is the reason why they are on a large scale of companies.

Sales Management:

In this module the sale activities on the parameters of hour, days, week, month, quarter and, year are reported, managed and analyzed by the system. The product nature, quantity and packages are managed there on a graphical dashboard. Which represents the development in the graphical format in which charts of different nature are displayed .

Purchase and Inventory Management

The daily basis purchases for inbound and outbound offices are managed; its records are made into the system, which are then updated as per the requirement basis. There is a separate head for managing your inventory, whether in shortage or surplus. The product transaction is managed with real-time operations management.

GL Accounting and Finances:

The product category gets created in the software system, in which you can deal with the product in different dimensions. The revenue, profit and loss statement, expenses and other attributes are reported and managed there. The same is the situation occurred with the product as its packages and variants are overlooked and managed in the software system.

Production and Warehouse Management

In this module, we talk about the daily basis production of your business specifies about the production capacity, Criteria and production packages it overlooks the bi product which gets extracted from your core product, it features includes future product forecast and also catering the concurrent production requirements. The day-to-day productions’ assembly are then sent for warehousing. The products get stored in the warehouse according to their classifications respective of nature, package, size and weight.

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